Project 767

It was the spring of 1982. This was a difficult time for commercial aviation. Many of the airlines were losing money and laying off employees. Even Delta Airlines, which had been profitable for 35 consecutive years, was losing money. Delta had a tradition of job security, however, and was not laying off employees even though 40,000 people who were working for other aviation companies had lost their jobs during that time. The Delta employees felt grateful for the support they felt and three flight attendants decided to do something extravagant to show their gratitude. The company had already announced that they were going to be taking delivery of their first Boeing 767s and these flight attendants decided to try to raise enough money among the employees to purchase the first one. Soon the media caught wind of the idea and money began coming in from retired employees, children, and even employees of other airlines. On December 15, 1982, 7,000 employees and friends gathered as “The Spirit of Delta” was unveiled - a 30 million dollar gift from a grateful people.

Earlier this week, Chelsea and I were in Atlanta for the Southern Union Constituency Meetings and we stopped by the Delta Museum before heading home. This Boeing 767 is now sitting in the hangar after its retirement in 2006 for people to tour. As I looked at the plane, walked through the aisles, and tried out the first class cabin, I was reminded of the importance of gratitude. The Apostle Paul admonished the church in Thessalonica to “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). What are you grateful for today? And how can you show your gratitude? It probably won’t be a 30 million dollar plane, but find a way to show your gratitude to those who you’e thankful for. The Apostle Paul reminds us that in all circumstances, even in difficult and trying times, there’s always something to be grateful for. So what are you thankful for today?

Joel Sutherland

Pastor. Pilot. Husband. Child of God.

He has Anointed Me!


Let Them Die!