Kindness Resolution

I don’t know if you pay much attention to the news or not - I tend to not spend too much time worrying about what’s going on in the world simply because it seems like it’s always something bad. But something I’ve noticed over the last few days is the increase in good news that has been covered. I’m not sure if this is because more good things have happened over the last few days or if it is simply that the media has been looking for more of the good because that’s what people like to focus on over the holidays. I suspect it may be a little of both. Whatever the reason, I’ve enjoyed hearing about some of the good things that have happened recently, such as the couple in Buffalo who welcomed 10 strangers, South Korean tourists stranded in the blizzard, into their home for Christmas. Or the two men who traveled through all 50 states this month delivering gifts to people in need. Or even the local heroes (we’ve been spending the holidays in Northern California, visiting my grandparents) who have stepped up to help those affected by the major, recent earthquake in this area.

As we close 2022 and begin a new chapter in 2023, my mind goes to the words of Micah the prophet. He told the people of Israel, and, by extension, us too: “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah‬ ‭6‬:‭8‬). As we refocus our priorities and make our resolutions; maybe put kindness, justice, mercy, and a humble relationship with God at the top of the list. We may not see a drastic improvement in the news cycle - but maybe it’ll make a difference in the lives of the people around you.

Joel Sutherland

Pastor. Pilot. Husband. Child of God.

Most Important


I Love Christmas!